Becoming A Beekeeper
backyard beekeepers bees bees for sale brentwood ca hive to table northern california bees Nucs forsale Start up hive Store news

This is our beautiful interview of the "Beyond The Market" with Pacific Coast Farmers Market Association. We are so proud of it, please enjoy!
Click the highlighted link above to watch the video.
Miss Bee Haven goes Extra Eco!
In an effort to reduce packaging waste, I am trying something new. Orders must be a minimum of $20. Doing this will help ensure that packages are full, and you might even find an extra surprise inside! I humble thank you for your orders and hope that you love every item as much as I helped creating it.
5 Frame Bee Nucs For Sale
backyard beekeepers bees bees for sale brentwood ca hive to table mini beeworksop northern california bees Nucs forsale Start up hive Store news

Have you ever wanted to have your own bees? I am beyond excited to now offer small hives for sale for the first time EVER!!! 😊I am collaborating with a fellow beekeeper and will be taking orders for 5 frame nucs. A nuc is a small established hive. They will be $150 each and ready for pick up at around mid april. Preorders will be done through me and I will have a day where you can pick up your nuc at Smith Family Farms or Frog Hollow Farms, along with me showing you how to put them in your empty...
California Honey Festival

The first annual honey festival is coming to woodland ca. May 6th, 2017. There will be live music, honey tasting from around the world, crafts, and yummy foods. So bring your family and friends and enjoy the day. California Honey Festival 2017